Why was Footsteps Tools for Learning™ created?

Although many churches have children involved in wonderful Scripture memorization programs, we have found that the children’s Bible-use skills do not develop in proportion to the memory work.  Children who have been in these programs for years, and who have memorized dozens, if not hundreds of verses, cannot find those verses in the Bible.  Footsteps Tools for Learning™ was created to fill that gap.  

In development, the goals of the Footsteps™ Curriculum were these:

1.  Keep Tools simple.  Don’t require the teacher to take time from preparing the        Bible lesson to gather supplies each week.

2.  Keep the lesson short.  Write a Curriculum that can be incorporated into any        weekly gathering of students.

3.  Make the lessons progressively more difficult.  Introduce a skill and allow          the child to master the skill, then increase the difficulty.  

4.  Give children a skill for a lifetime.  Develop long-term memory of the location      of the books of the Bible through repetition and reinforcement.

5.  Be non-denominational.

6.  Be innovative.  Be fun.  (The Curriculum was written and the Books of the            Bible Mats were “kid-tested” for fun-factor.)

7.  Provide a quality product.

Footsteps Tools for Learning™ exists to help you use your precious time with your students responsibly.